Diesel Fuel Analysis

Diesel fuel is prone to contamination through diverse mechanisms, posing a risk of damage to engine components or rendering the fuel unfit for use. Factors like 'sweating,' bulk tank degradation, and contamination during transportation add complexity to fuel quality. Therefore, comprehensive testing procedures become essential. Analyzing diesel fuel is imperative to detect and resolve potential issues, safeguarding the integrity and performance of engines dependent on this fuel source.

When you send us diesel samples for testing using our FUELKIT1, we conduct comprehensive analysis to ensure the quality of your fuel. The FUELKIT1 examines samples for ferrous wear particles, check for contamination from particulate matter, water, and petrol, and identifies any diesel bug growth. The kit includes a sample bottle, extraction tubing, bottle labels, a sample ID slip, a jiffy bag, and a PRE-PAID Return Postage label for our UK customers.

Once the sampled diesel is returned to our laboratory, you can expect preliminary results within 1-3 days, delivered to you via a PDF report. A follow-up report, including diesel bug counts, will be sent after 5 days, accounting for the incubation time required to obtain accurate diesel bug counts.

Our standard diesel testing service covers:

Water In Diesel

For optimal diesel storage, it's common for diesel to be stored in tanks for extended periods to accumulate moisture. At our laboratory, we conduct a meticulous water count on each diesel fuel sample submitted for analysis. Addressing the presence of water is critical as it can lead to a range of issues, from engine malfunctions to potential diesel bug infestations.

Ensuring dry fuel is imperative for every diesel user to avoid unforeseen complications. Our approach to determining water content involves the precise Karl Fisher Water test. Rely on us to assess and guarantee the dryness of your fuel, preventing undesirable outcomes and promoting the longevity and efficiency of your diesel storage.

Flash Point

The flash point test plays a pivotal role in detecting potential flammable substances in diesel fuel. Despite diesel being inherently non-flammable and categorised as a consumable liquid, with a flash point above 56°C (fun fact: you can extinguish a cigarette in diesel fuel, though we strongly advise against attempting it), the flash point test assumes significance.

If the fuel flashes before reaching 56°C during the test, it signals the presence of flammable substances in the fuel.

Diesel Cleanliness ISO Particle Count

In strict adherence to the ISO4406:2017 cleanliness standard, our independent lab performs an ISO particle count on diesel to assess dirt levels that could potentially impact your equipment. Contaminants and dirt in diesel poses risks such as injector failures.

For road diesel complying with this specification, meeting the ISO cleanliness rating of 18/16/13 is paramount. But what does this rating signify? The cleanliness code consists of three numbers representing the quantity of particles present in 1ml of fuel, specified for the diesel cleanliness standard as follows:

  • The first number (18) indicates the level of contamination by particles larger than 4 microns.
  • The second number (16) represents the level of contamination by particles larger than 6 microns.
  • The third number (13) indicates the level of contamination by particles larger than 14 microns.
Fuel analysis kit

Density/Specific Gravity

Analysing the density of diesel fuel serves as a crucial indicator of potential contamination with another fluid. A lower density may indicate the addition of petrol or another lower-density fluid, while a higher density fluid could suggest the inclusion of bio-diesel.

Whether above or below the specified range, deviations in density can result in performance issues due to the diesel used. It is essential for diesel density to stay within the range of 0.820-0.860 kg/m³ to ensure optimal performance and prevent any adverse effects on the system.

Ferrous Wear

Conducting the ferrous wear index test provides insights into the concentration of metallics particles present in diesel fuel. This assessment serves as a valuable indicator of the tank's condition, offering valuable information about potential rust or corrosion issues.

Diesel FAME Count

Amidst the continued effort to offer cleaner fuels, it's crucial to note that diesel sold in the UK and EU adheres to a specified allowable Bio-Content (FAME). According to the BS EN590 standard, this content must not exceed 7%, as surpassing this limit can result in potential damage to engine components.

Diesel Bug

Diesel bug pertains to the microbial growth in diesel fuels, capable of obstructing filters and causing engine shutdowns. Flourishing especially in unclean and damp fuel environments, once a tank is contaminated, it requires treatment with biocide to eradicate the growth.

 Overlooking diesel bug infestations can lead to problems such as blocked filters, heightened tank corrosion, injector blockages, fuel discolouration, and corrosion of vehicle components.

The Premium Diesel Analysis Kit FUELKIT2 covers all the tests as our FUELKIT1 but also includes sulphur analysis.


Introducing our FUELKIT2, the premium diesel analysis kit tailored for diesel fuel users concerned about potential sulphur presence. This comprehensive kit includes all the tests featured in the standard FUELKIT1, covering BS EN590 specifications for water, diesel density, flashpoint, and FAME, along with the ISO 4406:2017 cleanliness standard.

What sets the FUELKIT2 apart is its additional sulphur analysis. While not applicable to standard diesel users, as sulphur has been eliminated from road diesel, this feature proves invaluable for marine diesel users and those utilising stored diesel over an extended period.

Ensure the detection of sulphur with our FUELKIT2 for a through diesel analysis.


Why have diesel fuel analysis?

Detect Miss-Fuelling issues 

Incorrect fuelling reduces lubrication and petrol in diesel engines will cause sever damage to the whole system

Ensure No Diesel Bug Contamination

If diesel bug enters the system then it can not be removed without treatment and blocking filters and starving engines of fuel.

Monitor Fuel Cleanliness

Dirty fuel can cause breakdowns and failures, if contamination levels aren't monitored then injectors can be damaged.

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